Monday, December 20, 2010

Oh how I love cult films.

Someday, if I have the money, I would try to organize a week long cult film festival. I find these movies to be very endearing, either because they are wonderfully good or loveably bad. It would be better to have it at a drive-in, but those are in short supply. Man, it would be so awesome if it became a yearly thing.

Here's a few ideas:

MONDAY: The Evil Dead
TUESDAY: Mars Attacks!
WEDNESDAY: Donnie Darko
FRIDAY: Hallowe'en
SATURDAY: Night of the Living Dead
SUNDAY: The Rocky Horror Picture Show

I think it could be big. Not huge, but big.

Currently Listening: Strapping Young Lad- Home Nucleonics

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ugh, this again?

I hate it when people claim that Christianity is being discriminated against. They are the world's largest singular group of people, the greatest majority on the planet. If things were REALLY that bad, that wouldn't be the case. People like to point fingers and say that Christians are responsible for a lot of bad things, but I don't think that's right either. I think people just need to stop thinking that they are being personally attacked by people's views that differ from theirs. And besides, what kind of "attacks" are being imposed on Christians? Ending Bible readings in schools? Making America a more secular place so that everybody can feel welcome? What a slap to the face!

Currently Listening: The Locust- "Wet Dream War Machine"

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Vader as a tragic figure.

I've been looking at a lot of Star Wars alt art this morning, and I really like the reworking of Darth Vader into a tragic, broken figure. When you consider what his life had led, the only real scenes of remorse and agony we see are in the first three films, as well as his final scene in Return of the Jedi. I would be more interested to see Vader in everyday life during episodes IV-VI. What happens when the camera is not on him? I would imagine the soulless, blank version we see of him would fade, leaving only a broken man with nothing to live for. Maybe it's over-analyzing him a bit, but I think Vader with a little more depth would be very compelling. It's a shame that when they tried that, we got episodes I-III.

Also, why is it that nobody pays attention to the fact that the Rebels are terrorists?

Currently Listening- White Lung "Sleep Creep"

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bleedin' Ears

So according to Last.Fm, since March of this year, I have listened to 14,645 songs. Split that up between 132 different bands, the most-played being Punch (800 plays), Strapping Young Lad (750 plays) and Iron Lung (553 plays). I can't believe people are surprised when they see how many bands I listen to, that's like, nothing. And I need more. Like most recently, I got around to giving a listen to White Lung, a Vancouver hardcore punk band that I am enjoying a whole bunch. It seems there is more to Vancouver than Kidnap Kids! and Woolworm.

Currently Listening: White Lung- "Wild Failure"

Throw 'em on the pyre.

The creatures came out of their homes,
to sharpen their teeth on my bones.
The people came out of their holes,
to press themselves to the coals.
Bodies burning and there were no screams,
charring minds and flaming dreams.

Throw 'em on the pyre.

Currently Listening: Wu-Tang Clan- "Protect Ya Neck"

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I think I respect cats more than I could respect a person, because cats eschew normal "people" bullshit. Cats don't have gods, governments or anything of the sort, and they are one of the best examples of individualism on the planet. Cats have never had a nuclear arms race, riots, corruption or taxes. They don't bother with trivialties like voting, buying cars or things they don't need; they allow us to cater to them because they know we will enjoy it. A cat is far smarter, I think, than most people I know. That and they're adorable. :3

Currently Listening: Snowing- "I Think We're In Minsk"

Freedom of Information can create martyrs.

I've heard a lot of talk about Julian Assange being assassinated for releasing those embarrasing cables on the US governent lately; it strikes me as odd that grown men will openly discuss their wish for Assange to die on national television. If anybody makes a move on him and he dies, it won't make Wikileaks go away by a long shot. My guess is that Assange would become a martyr for social freedoms, in that he would die trying to defend our right to know what our governments do overseas. The slander aside, I think Assange has done some really big things. Dead or not, he's made his mark, and it's going to stick.

Currently Listening: Grown Ups- "Weed Science"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Finer Points

I don't really know what it is about procrastinating, but it always seems like the most practical solution to any situation. For example, I could do my Comparative Civilizations homework, or I could sit here and listen to Woolworm while I build an underwater glass hallway in Minecraft. One of those decisions I will regret tomorrow. Yay me.

Currently Listening: Woolworm- "Bad Thing"

A Frightening Future

A quick thought: Anybody who isn't afraid of leaving childhood obviously didn't have a very nice childhood. The future frightens me, and I think it should frighten everyone.

Currently Listening: Genghis Tron- "Sing Disorder"