Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh Racists, You're So Cute!

Sitting here in Journalism class, the topic of "winter holidays" vs. "Christmas holidays" was brought up. A guy sitting behind me (who shall remain nameless), piped up "It's Christmas holidays." I told him that it's no longer the case, as calling it that is insensitive to other religions. He replied: "Whatever. It's Christmas holidays. If they want to call it something else, they can, but out HERE (western Canada), WE call it Christmas."

For the sake of the story, let's call him Ricky. "Ricky," I said, "What about people who celebrate Hanukkah and Kwanzaa? Do they not matter?" Ricky then said "You can be politically correct to a certain extent, but then you just start kissing up to the foreigners." When I reminded him that this country was founded by foreigners (and is a multi-cultural and politically secular nation), he dismissed me. "Ricky," I added, "that's really racist." "So?"

Oh racists. What would I do without you?

Currently Listening: Embrace- "I Wish I"

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